Friday 7 October 2016

The Matrix opening scene analysis

In the extract Trinity fights two units of policemen. During this fight scene an editing technique called bullet time is used. The example for this is when Trinity jumps up to kick the first policeman. This technique is used to extenuate the almost superhuman powers Trinity uses. Also it could be used as it shows the skill she has in this fighting technique.  
A second example of editing is the enhanced diegetic sound. The example is, the enhanced spot sound of a gunshot. These gunshot spot sounds are enhanced to increase the suspense and jeopardy as it puts Trinity in increasing amounts of danger.   
The soundtrack for this extract includes eerie music. The example is the first time we see the policemen. This eerie music could have been included as it creates tension that is finally released when the police kick down the door. The music swells and creates tension using the high pitch of a violin.   
A second technique used in the soundtrack is dialogue. The example I have chosen takes place between one of the agents and a police officer, this is: “No lieutenant, your men are already dead.” This quote provides a hint that Trinity is a deadly enemy and could be used to showcase the agent’s superhuman knowledge.   
The setting for this opening seems to be an old, neglected hotel in a dirty, low lit alleyway. This setting creates a sense of unease as it seems to be very dangerous. The low lighting creates suspense for the audience as they can only see what the police shine their torches on.  
The costume for the agents that step out of the car includes a standard suit and tie with black sun glasses. This costume makes them all look the same and very generic. This therefore dehumanizes the agents but also this gives the sense that they are spies and are very mysterious.
Camera work
The camera work included a low angle shot of the main agent. This shot gives a very menacing view of the agents. It also shows the agents as very calm and collected thinking about the prospect of fighting trinity. 122

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