Tuesday 8 December 2015

comparrison exam so far

Natural Habitat, Lynx (2015 moving image)

The central representation  in Natural habitat by lynx is a man who looks like the average person but he is actually the perfect man. He is shown in a sushi bar denying water from the waitress after eating lots of wasabi.

 In this screenshot the man is represented as well dressed and well-groomed with slicked hair and clean shaven. This shows that this man that uses Lynx is above the average man. The man is also represented as a very manly man as in the voice over it says “This is the man that doesn’t sweat every habitat is his natural habitat”, this has two meanings, a clear meaning of how manly he is but also in the first bit it says “This is the man that doesn’t sweat” this could be a reference to the use of antiperspirant which is what they are advertising. The way this man is represented is also very hyperbolic as everyone sweats and no man is comfortable everywhere.

In the advertisement a lot of editing is used for example; close ups in this screen-shots, voice over and this is very key to the advertisement, extreme close ups and lots of different angles. The extreme close ups conform the situation and the different angles give good contextual shots. The advert is also in black and white which show off and enhance his features.
   The woman in the screen-shot could be represented as a strong independent woman as she has a job and seems to run the restaurant. This means from 1980 to 2015 the representation of women has gone from  sexualised and constantly trying to tempt man into an independent, self-sufficient woman.     

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